Looking Forward 2016

Happy New Year! At the end of the every month, I look back at the things I learned, loved, and lived through. I also started looking forward to the next month. Yesterday I looked back at 2015, and today, I’m looking forward at 2016.

I’m looking forward to:

1. A more thought-out and planned-out family ministry at church.
Our curriculum is laid out and scheduled. We have new Family Night events on the calendar with people in charge of them. We said no to some things to say a better yes to other things. I am hopeful and excited.

2. Finding a rhythm for my small business, Homemade Homebody.
Now that I got it off the ground, I want to find a nice rhythm for it. Check it out. Everything I sell is handmade by me, and I have a 1-for-1 program.

3. Creating an online course for you!
This was what I started at the end of last year that I wasn’t ready to talk about for the longest time, but I’m putting it out there now. I’m building an online course. I love to teach and I hope to offer you some great stuff. Here’s the problem. I believe I have a direction, but I’m not too passionate about it. So hang in there while I figure things out.

4. Celebrating this blog’s 3rd blogiversary!!!
Three is my favorite number. I don’t know why. It’s just my number. So I’m super excited to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of this little online space in August. I’ll be doing giveaways, so do this: sign up for my newsletter because I have something special for my subscribers and follow me on IG or Twitter to make sure you catch my giveaway posts/announcements.

5. Traveling
I don’t actually know if I’m going to travel, but I want to. My friends and I are talking about a possible travel mini-vacay, but some logistics are not working out. Ain’t that always the case? But I’m going to declare it and believe by faith. God has provided before and He can again.

What are you looking forward to in 2016?

I don’t have a One Word for this year. I haven’t given it any thought or prayer. If one pops us, so be it, but this year, there’s no word. Do you have a One Word for 2016? What is it?

I also do not have any new year’s resolutions. Unofficially, I always say it is to visit a US state I’ve never been to before (layovers don’t count). I didn’t do that last year, but I did visit Washington D.C. so I’m counting it! Do you have a new year’s resolution? What is it?

I do have goals, which has always been the same year after year (which is why I don’t count them at new year’s resolutions, because they’ve always been around). Here they are:

  1. Regularly clean my make-up brushes. I’m the worst when it comes to this, but I’m trying to change.
  2. Floss better. I’m determined for my dentist to love me by my next appointment.
  3. Write more and read more. They go hand-in-hand.

What are your goals? Did you accomplish any in 2015? Do you have any that’s always been around?

Most of all, in 2016, I’m looking forward to growth and changes. We can only plan so much. Life throws curveballs and God throws surprise parties. Whether things go right or wrong, we can trust that God knows what He’s doing.

[bctt tweet=”Life throws curveballs. God throws surprise parties. You will be alright.”]

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