Sorry Mr. Cute Hipster

The only reason I sat next to Mr. Cute Hipster was because it was the last available cushioned sofa in Starbucks. Since I didn’t bring my laptop, it would have been rude to take up table space when I knew that branch gets super busy, right?

So I placed my grande light iced passion tea lemonade on the small table between our identical chairs, next to his…wait…is that his motorcycle helmet?!? I sat down and opened my copy of Speak Love. It’s such a great book! I know this even though I’m only about 3 chapters in, which I blame on humanity and hormones or pheromones, which turned my head in his direction against my wishes.

I’m a victim here, even more so when he put on his black framed eyeglasses, sipped his venti iced coffee with milk in a for-here glass, and notated his book. He was an environmentally conscious hipster-biker-nerd working on his thesis. It’s not eavesdropping if he was chatting to the barista right in front of me. Right?

If any of my friends read this, this is where I tell you to relax. I didn’t flirt or get his number, said hello or even made eye contact. The past couple of years have been filled with engagements and the next couple of years will be filled with weddings of my friends, most of whom are younger than me.

Ever since the rocks started glittering on Facebook, many friends and well-meaning people in church have asked me THAT question, any variation of, “Are you dating anyone?”

There’s something I gotta tell you. When everyone was kissing dating goodbye and jumping in the “waiting” bandwagon, I was having conversations with God about love. The entirety of my love live is found in late night phone calls and texts. Words. Promises easily said and just as easily broken.

Shameless plug for Annie Downs’ new book, Speak Love, which is all about our words. See how that worked out? I promise it just happened. I didn’t sit for hours thinking that through. So it’s gotta be God, right? Right! exclaimed the Pentecostal.

I kinda learn easily. So all it took was a few broken human words to break my heart and open my ears to what God was saying. He told me to trust Him to write my love story and unfold it in His perfect time.

Love ME, God said. Love ME. I will take care of you. You don’t need to worry about love. Love ME and I will give you love. Mine and his. You have My love. But I will give you his love in My time. Meanwhile, love ME. While you’re single, live for Me.

And that’s why Mr. Cute Hipster lucked out. 🙂

In truth, it’s not always easy to be single, especially when you’re not looking. When people want to hook you up or infect you with their wedding fever.

But God promises a prosperous and hopeful future (Jer. 29:11). His thoughts and ways are higher than mine (Is 55:8-9) so I can’t begin to imagine what kind of love story He’s writing for me. What kind of life He’s got planned for me.

coffee jer29.11

And for you, too. Whatever season of life you’re in – single, married, engaged, in a relationship – we can LOVE God. Live for Him. Honor Him with our words, time, energy, and even money.

But for my single ladies out there, will you try this with me? Will you allow those cuties, hipsters, nerds, jocks, rebels, or good Christian boys to luck out? Let’s find out how God can use us in our singleness!

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