Weekend Fun in a Vlog! Travel Essentials

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: Record a VLOG! Here are the travel essentials I mentioned in my video (affiliate links included): Laptop. I’m actually taking my Toshiba Chromebook 2, which is so much lighter! Barnes & Noble Nook Color is like having a library at your hands. There are also game apps that can be downloaded, which is […]

Weekend Fun Inspiration

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: Create a collage or inspiration/mood board for this season in your life. There’s a familiar picture above. The dancing girl was also on my blog mood board. I actually have it printed out to have an inspiration I can hold in my hands. I love how freely she twirls without a thought […]

Weekend Fun & What’s up?

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: What are you up to currently? Today, specifically, I’m attending a church meeting/training. In general, here’s what I’m up to. On the blog I’m obviously participating in the Blog-tember Challenge, and I’m enjoying it! Next month, I’ll be participating in the Write 31 Days challenge, and in November, I’m participating in NaNoWriMo. In […]

Weekend Fun & Friday Night

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: It’s a Friday night and you decide to stay in. What do you do? It’s Friday night and I usually stay in! I know. How exciting. It is for this introvert! My Friday nights look like watching Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, and the Disney Channel or a movie (if Disney’s got nothing […]

Weekend Fun Fashion

“I didn’t realize this was the dress I wore LAST Sunday!” she exclaimed.Blog-tember Challenge prompt: Share your style. What fashion trends do you love, frequent, or avoid? My fashion style is a mix of casual, girly, and edgy. I love colors and wear minimal makeup, if any at all, unless it’s Sunday, a special occasion, girl’s night […]

Weekend Fun & Songs from My iTunes

This month will have a little more Weekend Fun posts because of the Blog-tember Challenge! Enjoy your weekend! Blog-tember Challenge Prompt: Put your iTunes/music player on shuffle and share the first 10 songs that play. 1. “Afloat” by Caleb and Sol I love this song and I’m so happy it popped in first. Here is […]

Weekend Fun and Passionate Things

On Fridays I usually have a Weekend Fun post. For this month, I’m combining that post with the Blog-tember Challenge. Blog-tember Challenge prompt: What are you passionate about? My faith and owning it. I learned the hard way that we don’t necessarily own our faith. Even the tallest tree has branches that shake in the storm and […]

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