Where in the World #blogtemberchallenge

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?

Italy. All over Italy. Ciao, Italia!


It started with pasta. I kid you not. When I first came to the US of A, I’ve never had cuisine from around the world. The Philippines was colonized by many countries including Spain and USA, and have a lot of settlers from other Asian countries. So, we have our own version of dishes that originated elsewhere, like siopoa (steamed buns), pancit (it’s like chow mien), arroz caldo (congee), or adobo. The closest dish to Italian cuisine that we have is spaghetti…except…well, if you’re in a Filipino party and see our spaghetti, be prepared. There’s most likely hotdog in it, some yellow processed cheese (probably Eden cheese we ask family visiting the homeland to bring back), and the sauce is sweet. It’s delicious, but maybe only if you grew up eating it (which means, I’m making sure my kids will grow up eating it).

Our spaghetti is far from Italian cuisine, and its sweet sauce has ruined Italian red sauces for me. I don’t like them tangy or spicy sauces, but I love alfredo sauces, gelato, affogato, ravioli, wine, and so on. Then seeing glimpses of Italy in TV shows and movies just made me want to visit the boot-shaped country even more.

Yes, I would eat and drink my way through Italy, but I would also visit the museums and historical sites. I would love to see Michaelangelo’s David statue and leave a letter at Juliet’s House in Verona. Toss a coin in the Trevi fountain. Ride a gondola.

I would be a total tourist, and then veer off the beaten path. I don’t know where, yet. If I can find the local hangouts in a guidebook or website, then it’s probably no longer a local hangout. If you live in Italy, can we please be friends, and show me your beautiful home?

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