When Things End

I held onto a vase of dead daisies far longer than I should have. Throwing them out meant letting go of the beauty and freshness flowers bring into our lives. Sure, the petals were brown and the stems were brittle, but they still made me smile.

Endings are hard. It’s tough to let go of what once brought beauty into our lives. Whether it’s flowers, seasons, friendships or relationships, and even jobs.

When a new year comes along, most of us start something new. We refresh our goals and motivations. My birthday is on the 16th of January. When a new year comes along, I soon say goodbye to another year of my life.

What if we do that in this new year? What if we say goodbye to some things? What if, instead of starting new things, we let things end?

When I bade farewell to my 30th year, I welcomed my 31st. I bought a bouquet of pink carnations to replace the daisies. I threw the daisies in the garden so they would decompose in the soil and help something else grow.

That’s what happens when things end. They make room for new things. Fresh things. Alive things. Beautiful things. Sometimes we have to let go before we can move on. Sometimes we have to say, “No more.”

What do you have to let go of in your life? In your schedule? In your relationships? In your career? In your faith or ministry? What are you saying, “No more,” to?

No more wallowing in self-criticism.

No more filling up your schedule to the brim.

No more useless events that don’t bring you closer to your goals.

No more doing unpaid or unrecognized projects at work.

No more punishing 6am devotionals when you’re a night owl and the best part of your day is at 10pm.

What about you? Fill it in!

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