A Day in the Life

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: A day in the life. Take us through it with you. I’m back! Last week I took a break from the Blog-tember Challenge because I went to the Orange Tour Conference and also a film festival that I help put together. It was a busy week and one that needed tons of […]

Don’t Speak

“Speak when you’re angry and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret.” Laurence J. Peter, Ambrose Bierce, Groucho Marx, or ? Blog-tember Challenge prompt: A favorite quote/expression and how it has impacted you. In my first class on the first day of middle school, my teacher pointed to a banner posted above the chalkboard. […]

Weekend Fun in a Vlog! Travel Essentials

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: Record a VLOG! Here are the travel essentials I mentioned in my video (affiliate links included): Laptop. I’m actually taking my Toshiba Chromebook 2, which is so much lighter! Barnes & Noble Nook Color is like having a library at your hands. There are also game apps that can be downloaded, which is […]

My Biggest Obsession to Date

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: Just for fun, your latest obsession. What can you not get enough of these days? Grande iced coffee with milk and hazelnut has been my go-to Starbucks order for a long while now. It is less than $3 and delicious. But the pumpkin spice latte is back and with a new recipe […]

To Be or Not to Be?

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: The real you vs. the online you. Are they the same or different? That’s a deceptively simple-sounding question. As an INFP, I can be difficult to get to know, but expressing myself through writing is also one of my strongest strengths. In this blog and my other online presences, if you pay […]

What’s in your bag?

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: What’s in your bag? Pick up your purse and peruse its contents, then share with us! Are you a crazy bag lady like me? Do you carry a lot of stuff with you everywhere you go? What we carry around with us isn’t limited to our bags and purses. Some of us […]

5 Books

Blog-tember Challenge prompt: The 5 books that have impacted your life the most. 1. The Bible It sounds like a cliched answer from a Christian, but it’s also quite true for most Christians because the Bible is the Word of God. I can’t tell you how many times I read a verse that pertains to […]

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