Current Goals #blogtemberchallenge

Share a list of your current goals.

Here’s the truth. I don’t have any current goals. There are things I want to do and things I’m going to have to do. But goals? No, not really.

I did set goals for the summer, but those were fun summer goals. Things I wanted to do to make the most of summer. But other than that, I was never the goal-setter type of person. No, correction. I was never the goal-finisher type of person. When you have a lot of goals you consistently don’t accomplish, it makes goal-setting depressing. So instead of calling them goals, let’s call them by other names.

Things I must do:

  • Stay on top of my classes. That means, no procrastinating on assignments or studying.
  • Buy new car wipers.

Things I want do:

  • Expand my Fall wardrobe. I stuck to boots, leggings, tunics, sweaters, and scarves last year and the year before that…and probably the year before that. Here’s my Pinterest inspiration board for Fall/Autumn Outfits. Yep, there’s a lot of boots, leggings, tunics, sweaters, and scarves, but also a lot of ways they’re put together that I’ve never tried before.
  • Write fiction for at least 15 minutes everyday. This one is a carry-over from Summer. But I’m also keeping in mind that I’m participating in the Blog-tember Challenge (September), Write 31 Days (October), and NaNoWriMo (November). That covers all of Fall!

Things I’m going to do:

  • Go to Seattle. It’s settled! Flight and hotel is booked. I’m going!
  • Try new slow cooker recipes. I have a night class and still need to get dinner cooked. I’m thinking of warm comfort foods you eat from a bowl like chili and…what else? Any suggestions?

And that’s it. I feel this pressure to add more things, but I know it can overwhelm me. Do you ever feel that way? That you need to turn everything into a goal or add it to a to-do list? Sometimes we can get caught up with the idea that the amount of things we do or have to do is a sign of our productivity or worth. That we’re useful, needed, and important. That’s a big fat lie.

We don’t have to fill up every space of our lives to find our worth or purpose. Our worth is found in Jesus Christ, and our purpose is given by God. And they don’t depend on our ability to first prove ourselves through the things we do or how good we can be. They are given to us by the sheer love of God alone. We’re worth the sacrifice of Christ because He loves us. We’re created for a purpose because He loves us. The things we do and accomplish will one day fade away, but the love of God is forever.

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39, NLT)

Catch up with the blogtember challenge over at Brave Love Blog!

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