Three books! One you just read, one you’re currently reading, and one you want to read. I just read Looking for Lovely by Annie F. Downs. You can read my review of it, but it’s basically a great book you should read. I’m currently reading Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. She is annoyingly talkative, but most of […]
My Favorite Instagrammers #blogtemberchallenge
Round up of your favorite Instagrammers! Who should we follow? Oh, Instagram. I’ve been annoyed at it because ever since they rolled out Stories, the app has been buggy on my phone. It would freeze and a “couldn’t refresh feed” message pops up. I have to clear all its data from my phone, which means […]
A Day With Me #blogtemberchallenge
A day in your life! Take us through it with you by sharing a photo each hour of the day. You caught me at a lazy Saturday, so there’s not much to show! Today rotated between these 5 things: COFFEE LAUNDRY DIY BURN SALVE (COCONUT OIL + LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL) because I burned my finger…poor […]
Where in the World #blogtemberchallenge
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why? Italy. All over Italy. Ciao, Italia! It started with pasta. I kid you not. When I first came to the US of A, I’ve never had cuisine from around the world. The Philippines was colonized by many countries including Spain and USA, and […]
My Space #blogtemberchallenge
A house/apartment/room tour! Give us a glimpse of your space. Most of my space is embarrassingly messy (shh, don’t tell anyone), but here’s a small glimpse into it. I’m usually working inside a Starbucks. I need to get out of the house to get some work done. When school’s in session, I sometimes park myself […]
5 Things that Bring Me Joy #blogtemberchallenge
Five things that bring you joy. Only five? Well, alright then. Here are five things that bring me joy. When God reveals Himself (and I was paying attention) I like it when things make sense. Growing up reading Nancy Drew made me love mysteries, but they have to be solved at the end of the […]
My Current Playlist #blogtemberchallenge
Create a playlist. What you’re listening to now, what encourages you, holiday favorites, etc. Ever since my laptop died on me and I switched to a Chromebook, I’m unable to use my iPod or iTunes account, which means I haven’t created a playlist in a very long time. But I do listen to music through […]